Our latest publication:
Hochman, Nadav and Manovich, Lev. Zooming into an Instagram City: Reading the local through social media. In the open-access peer-reviewed journal First Monday, July, 2013.
Earlier publications:
Hochman N., Manovich L. (2013) Visualizing Spatio-Temporal Social Patterns in Instagram Photos. In proceedings of the GeoHCI Workshop in conjunction with ACM CHI 2013. Paris, France, April 2013.
Hochman N., Schwartz R. (2012) Visualizing Instagram: Tracing Cultural Visual Rhythms. The Workshop on Social Media Visualization (SocMedVis) in conjunction with The Sixth International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM-12). Dublin, Ireland, June 2012.
Manovich L. (2012) Media Visualization: Visual Techniques for Exploring Large Media Collections. In Media Studies Futures, ed. Kelly Gates. Blackwell.
Manovich L. (2009) Cultural Analytics: Visualizing Cultural Patterns in the Era of ‘More Media’. DOMUS.

All visualizations on this website are part of an ongoing project to visualize big visual social media data. The first comprehensive paper that includes our media visualizations, results, and detailed analysis is published in the July 2013 edition of the Academic Journal “First Monday”.